Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
I love the idea and can't wait to see it in all the store.
... but the worst part was the credit card usage with no code or anything inserted... illegal?
enjoy the video and post your comment/opinion
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Ada banyak faktor yang boleh di-ambil kira. Orang ketiga mungkin juga. Biasalah. Bila kita TER-jumpa orang yang lagi PERFECT, tentu lah kita akan "mengejar" yang sempurna itu kan. Tapi, bukan salah orang ketiga jugak. Perasaan kita sendiri sebenarnya. Seperti perasaan tawar hati.
Aku pernah minta sungguh-sungguh pada Tuhan, jangan pudarkan perasaan aku pada mereka yang sentiasa berada di-sekeliling aku. Mereka terlalu precious untuk aku "tinggalkan".
buat awak yang saya sayang
terima kasih atas semuanya...
memberi peluang saya menjadi insan teristimewa
dalam hidup awak...
buat awak yg saya sayang
walaupun saya tiada disisi awak
saya tetap menyayangi awak
saya tetap ingat kat awak...
buat awak yang saya sayang..
saya sayang awak,
biar pun kita jauh saya tetap sayang awak,
biar pun kita jarang jumpe saya tetap sayang awak,
biar pun awak mcm mane saye tetap sayang awak,
pendek kata saya mmg sayangkan awak...
buat awak yang saya sayang...
walaupun awak bukan yang pertama
tapi bagi saya awak tetap yang pertama
buat awak yang paling saya sayang...
terima kasih kerana sentiasa sabar ngan sikap saya,
buat awak yang paling saya kasihi...
terima kasih kerana masih setia ngan saya,walau pun saya ni banyak kekurangan,
buat awak yang sentiasa dalam ingatan saya.....
terima kasih kerana hanya awak merindui saya
terima kasih...terima kasih...
walau pun saya jarang bagitau awak yang saya sayang dan rindu pada awak
tapi...dalam hati saya ni selalu ingat & sayang kat awak.
dari isi hati, pandangan mata dan rakaman lensa
Thursday, October 15, 2009
saya sayang awak...
Kisah yang amat mencuit hati dan boleh memberi peringatan kepada lelaki yang bakal bergelar suami....hayatilah~
Sunday, October 11, 2009
betul ke kapel tu haram..???
Pernah seketika dulu saya rasa saya tak berguna..
Masa dalam kelas kawan-kawan semua tak suka..
Saya nak 'join', kawan kata saya menyibuk..
Ada pula yang kate saya kuat emo..
Sikit-sikit nak marah..
Padahal sebenarnye saya nak tegur mereka buat bising masa belajar..
Lepas tu saya cuba buat lawak
kononnya nak tarik perhatian orang lain
saya paling gembira bila ada orang gelak bila dengar lawak saya
terutamanya pelajar-pelajar perempuan..
Budak-budak lelaki semua kata saya 'mat capub'(cari publisiti)..
tapi saya tak kesah..
asalkan ada yang terhibur..
Tapi saya tetap merasakan kekosongan..
Memang lumrah manusia..
Seoarang lelaki akan tertarik kepada wanita
Macam itulah yang saya rasa..
Saya tengok kawan-kawan dah ada yang 'couple'..
Di dorm sms awek sampai pagi..
ada yang call awek sampai satu malam boleh habis 10 ringgit..
Saya mula berfikir..
"Adakah aku perlu BERCINTA?"
Dengan menggunakan akal seorang pelajar tingkatan 4 itu..
saya pun mula menanam tekad untuk ber'couple'..
Dan masa itulah saya kenal awak..
saya rase saya dah jumpa orang yang paling penting dalam hidup saya..
Mula-mula awak jual mahal..
Tapi saya tak kisah..nak beli gak..
akhirnya, dipendekkan cerita..
saya pun mulalah BERCINTA..
Masa bercinta,memang saya sangat-sangat bersemangat
Apa orang kata..'ALL OUT'lah..
Saya selalu call awak,awak pun selalu call saya..
'gayut' malam-malam..kadang-kadang
Tetapi segala PENGORBANAN yg dilakukan masa ber'couple' tu..
Tidak terasa pun kehilangannya..
Mase bercinta memang indah..
Semuanya indah..
Sikit-sikit gurau-gurau
Sikit-sikit gelak-gelak
kalau merajuk men pujuk2..
kalau 'birthday' kita sambut sama-sama..
Untuk diri ini,terasa amat bahagia..
Sebab masa itulah terasa diri ini dihargai..
Saya pernah terikir..
Biarlah kawan-kawan saya tu pandang saya semacam,
kata saya macam-macam..
Asalkan awak memahami saya..
Satu hari saya dengar ceramah..
Dalam ceramah tu saya sedar,saya banyak buat dosa
dan saya kena brubah..
Hidup saya mesti selari dengan Islam..
Saya kena jadi baik..
Sebab memang itu fitrah manusia..menginginakan kebaikan..
semua orang nak masuk syurga kan?
Sejak dari saat itu saya mula rapatkan diri dengan masjid..
Rapatkan diri dengan Al-Quran..
Selalu solat jemaah awal waktu..
Selalu dengar tazkirah..
Saya beli terjemahan Quran, sebab nak tadabbur Quran
Saya beli dua, satu untuk saya, satu untuk awak,
Saya taknak jadi baik seorang diri..
jadi saya ajak awak sekali..
Saya ajak awak baca Al-Quran..
saya kejut awk bangun subuh..(calling)
saya ajak awak saling beri tazkirah..
Mula-mula awak terkejut dengan perubahan saya..
Awak ingat saya dah nak jadi alim, nak brenti couple.
Saya kata,kita bukan buat benda yang salah..
bercinta kerana Allah..
Kita couple tak macam orang lain..
Orang lain couple 'jiwang-jiwang' je..
ade yang siap wat mksiat lg..
pegang-pegang tangan dan macam-macam lagi..
Tapi kita couple baik-baik..
Jaga batas-batas syara'..
Tak guna ayat jiwang-jiwang
janji taknak jumpa, takut berlaku maksiat..
cuma sms dan call je..
Dan awk terima perubahan saya itu..
Saya pun banyak nasihat awak..
Awk pun terima..
Walaupun kadang-kadang awak merajuk sebab teguran saya tu
Tapi saya faham, perubahan memerlukan masa..
Dan akhirnya saya rasa..
Hubungan kita semakin diredahai..
Saya salu doa supaya kita akan kekal sampai ke gerbang perkahwinan..
Dalam proses perubahan saya,
Saya mula menyedari bahawa berdakwah itu wajib..
Kita kena menyampaikan kepada orang tentang kebenaran.
Kalau kita tidak berdakwah..
kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah di akhirat kelak.
sesuai dgn firmanNya dlm surah Al-A'raf,
surah ke 7,ayat ke 164:
Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat di
antara mereka berkata: "Mengapa kamu
menasihati kaum yang Allah akan
membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka
dengan azab yang amat keras?" Mereka
menjawab: "Agar kami mempunyai alasan
(pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Tuhanmu,
dan supaya mereka bertakwa".
Lepas tu saya mulalah beri tazkirah pada kawan-kawan dan adik-adik
Tegur mereka apa sahaja yang silap..
Saya tak boleh tahan bila tengok orang buat salah/dose..
Saya mesti nak tegur.
Selemah2 iman tegur dengan hati, oleh sebab saya nak jadi orang kuat iman..
Ape lagi..tegur je la depan-depan..huhu~~
Lepas tu, satu masa..
saya terbaca pasal couple..
Saya tak percaya..
tapi bila baca detail-detail yang dia bagi..
macam betul pulak..
tapi biasala..
kalau kita suka satu benda tu..
kita tetap akan cari alasan untuk 'membenarkan' pendapat kita..
Saya pun buat tak tahu pasal benda tu..
dan teruskan saja hubungan kita..
kita tak buat maksiat..
Kita jalan-jalan pegang tangan..
tak jiwang-jiwang..
Cuma saling ambil berat..
Tanya khabar..
Siap bagi tzkirah lagi..
Apa yang haramnya dengan benda ni?
Tak kisahlah..
Masa terus berlalu...
Masa ni dah nak dekat Trial SPM..
lagi tiga minggu sebelum trial..
dalam masa tu, saya memang rajin study dengan kawan..
buat study group
Pada masa yang sama, bagi tazkirah..
Ada yang terima..
ada juga yang buat tak tahu
Kadang-kadang bila tegur..
saya kena marah pula..
macam-macamlah alasannya
ada kata saya tegur tak berhikmah..
ada yang kata saya menunjuk-nunjuk je..
Tapi tak kisah..
saya ada tempat mengadu..
Suatu masa..
ketika sedang mentadabbur Al-Quran seorang diri..
saya terjumpa ayat ini..
Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain
(mengerjakan) kebajikan, sedang kamu
melupakan diri (kewajiban) mu sendiri,
padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab (Taurat)?
Maka tidakkah kamu berfikir?
(Al-Baqarah, ayat 44)
Saya pun terfikir..
"Selama ini aku asyik tegur orang je.
Tapi aku sendiri masih banyak kekurangan,
Cepat marah, suka buang masa,
ade gak dosa-dosa yang masih dilakukan..
Macam mana ya?"
Lepas tu terjumpa pula ayat ini..
Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yang
hak dengan yang batil dan janganlah kamu
sembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamu
(Al-Baqarah ayat 42)
Tiba-tiba saya terfikir satu keritikan kawan..
"Alah kau tu..cakap je berapi..gaya alim,tapi couple gak..sama aje kau
dengan kami..tegur orang konon.."
Berfikir sejenak..
Sebenarnye ber'couple' ni boleh ke tidak?
Adakah selama ini saya hanya menganggap ia boleh?
Habis tu, kenapa saya rasa malu bila mak dan ayah
tahu saya selalu berhubung dengan perempuan?
Dan terkadang saya rasa serba salah?
Macam-macam yang saya fikir..
Dipendekkan cerita lagi sekali..
saya ke Pulau Pinang untuk mengikuti satu seminar dkwh..
Saya harap dengan seminar ni kefahaman saya mengenai dakwah akan lebih mantap..
Dalam perjalanan ke seminar tu..
saya masih sms lagi dengan awak dalam bas..
sempat lagi pesan-pesan supaya jangan lupa baca Al-Quran hari ini, solat awal waktu..
Dalam fikiran saya..
"Ni kira dakwah juga..saling ingat-mengingati.."
Majlis malam itu berakhir dengan sesi ta'aruf,
pukul 10 semua orang dah bebas untuk aktiviti sendiri
Lagipun kami semua penat..
takkan nak panjang-panjangkan program sampai tengah malam..
pihak penganjur pun faham..
Tiba-tiba saya tergerak hati untuk bertanya dengan fasilitator yang ada di situ..
Saya rasa inilah masa terbaik untuk tanya pendapat dia tentang couple.
Tapi saya tragak-agak..
"Kalaulah betul couple tu salah..habis tu,nak
buat macam mana? Aku kena clash ke?
Alah,buat apa fikir macam tu..tanya je la. Kalau
tak buat salah, apa nak ditakutkan?"
Lalu saya menghampiri 'Brother' fasilitator tu..
Masa tu dia tengah membelek-belek terjemahan Al-Qurannya seorang diri.
"Assalamualaikum, bang, saya nak tanya sikit
"Em,boleh..duduklah. Nta nak tanya apa?"
"Er..macam ni,sebelum saya terlibat dengan dakwah ni, saya ada kenal seorang
kawan ni, perempuan la. Tapi bukanla setakat kawan biasa..rapat gak la. Bukan rapat biasa,tapi rapatla.."
"Bercinta ke?"
Saya malu nak cakap yang saya couple. Nanti apa pula brother tu kate..mesti dia marah nnt. Saya pun angguk. Lepas tu saya tanya..
"Sebenarnya..couple ni boleh ke tak bang?"
"Akhi, memang fitrah manusia, lelaki akan tertarik kepada perempuan, begitu juga perempuan akan tertarik kepada lelaki. Tapi dalam Islam, perasaan itu perlu dikawal dan ada batasnya. Pergaulan perlu dijaga. Allah firman dalam surah Al-Isra', surah ke 17, dalam ayat yg ke 32:
Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang buruk."
"Tapi bang,saya tak nampak pun yang kami ni menghampiri zina. Niat kami baik. Saya dah cuba sedaya upaya mengawal perhubungan kami. Sms pun takdelah jiwang-jiwang, selalu bagi tazkirah lagi. Kami selang-selang bagi, hari ni saya, esok dia."
Saya tak mahu mengalah.
"Memang betul niat nta baik. Tapi ingat, niat tak pernah menghalalkan cara. Yang batil tetap sahaja batil, yang haq tetap haq. Cuba tengok ayat ni."
Sambil brother tu bukak Al-Quran dia, dan tunjuk pada saya ayat ini:
Dan (juga) kaum Ad dan Tsamud, dan sungguh telah nyata bagi kamu (kehancuran mereka) dari (puing-puing) tempat tinggal mereka. Dan setan menjadikan mereka memandang baik
perbuatan-perbuatan mereka, lalu ia menghalangi mereka dari jalan (Allah), sedangkan mereka adalah orang-orang yang berpandangan tajam.
(Surah Al-Anakabut,Surah 29, ayat 38)
"Akhi, kalau nta paham ayat ni, sebenarnya apa yang berlaku pada nta ialah, setan telah buat nta pandang indah benda buruk yang nta lakukan. Walaupun nta berpandangan tajam, maksudnya nta berilmu tinggi. Memang pada mulanya niat nta baik, tapi ingat, syaitan itu sangat licik. Dia akan sedaya upaya buat nta terjerumus ke dalam kemaksiatan. Lagipun, takkanlah sepanjang masa nta sms dengan dia, nta ingat Allah. Mesti ada masanya nta hanya melayan perasaan dengan dia, kan?"
Betul juga katanya. Lepas tu saya kata, "Tapi bang, saya dah janji dengan dia taknak jumpa lg. Sebab saya tahu kalau berjumpa nanti banyak bahayanya. Dan dia pun setuju. Kami sama-sama menjaga diri. Takkanlah ia boleh membawa kepada zina juga bang?"
"Em, betul, nta dah janji taknak jumpa dengan dia lagi. Nta dah dapat
elakkan zina mata, zina tangan, zina kaki. kalau nta janji taknak call die pula, nta dapat elak zina telinga dan zina lidah. Tapi akh..masih ada zina yang tetap nta tak dapat elak apabila bercouple.."
"Zina hati?" Saya menduga.
"Betul, zina hati. Semua inilah yang Rasulullah jelaskan dalam hadithnya tentang bagaimana menghampiri zina tu. Nta boleh 'check' dalam Riyadahus Solihin, bawah bab larangan melihat wanita. Rasulullah bersabda, mata boleh berzina dgn melihat, lidah boleh berzina dengan bercakap, tangan boleh berzina dengan berpegangan. Kaki boleh berzina dengan berjalan ke arah tempat maksiat. Hati pula boleh berzina dgn merindui, mengingati dan membayangi si dia. Hakikatnye, macam mana pun nta buat, nta tetap tak dapat lari daripada zina hati."
Saya terdiam..kelu. Tak tahu apa nak dikata. Semua yang brother tu kata tiada yang salahnya. Kemudian dia sambung..
"Ana dulu pun couple gak. Lagi lama daripada nta. Sejak sekolah sampai dah masuk U, dekat nak gred. Tapi bila ana sedar apa yang ana buat ni salah, ana trus tinggalkan. Ana siap dah fikir, dialah bakal isteri ana, yang akan jadi ibu kepada anak-anak ana. Kalau nak diikutkan lagi besar masalah ana daripada nta."
"Saya risau la bang. Nanti apa kawan-kawan dia kata. Dulu saya selalu minta tolong mereka untuk rapat dengan dia. Mesti nanti mereka semua tak puas hati dengan saya. Dan dia sendiri pula, saya takut apa-apa akan jadi pada dia kalau dia tak dapat terima keputusan ni. Sebab kami dah rapat sgt."
Masa tu saya dah mula sebak. Malu betul. Menangis depan brother tu cerita pasal benda ni. Nasib baik tak ada org lain masa tu. Brother tu jwb..
"Kalau kawan-kawan dia tak puas hati pun, mereka boleh buat apa? Paling teruk pun, mereka akan mengata di belakang nta. Nta tak kurang sikit pun. Lagipun, dalam berdakwah ni, kita nak cari redha Allah, biarlah orang nak kata apa-apa sekali pun, yang penting redha Allah. Kalau Allah tak redha, semuanya dah tak bermakna lagi."
Saya trdiam lagi.
"Pasal die pula, cube nta fikir dari sudut positif, mungkin dia akan terima keputusan nta scara matang. Mungkin dia juga akan buat keputusan untuk tidak lagi bercouple. Ana yakin, die takkan buat apa-apa perkara bodoh. Kalau die buat sekalipun, itu bukan tagguungjawab nta, apa yang nta nak buat tu betul, meninggalkan maksiat. Semua orang akan tanggung balasan atas perbuatannya sndiri."
Saya dah tak dapat tahan lagi. Masa itu saya menangis, saya dah sdar yang saya kena berhenti couple. Dah jelas sekarang, couple tu haram.
"Jadi apa saya nak buat bang?"
"Ana dulu, hantar satu sms je kat dia. Ana terangkan pada dia hubungan yang dibina itu salah. Minta maaf, kita berakhir di sini. Tolong jangan cari saya lagi. Lepas itu ana terus tukar nombor. Ana tak hubungi dia langsung lepas tu."
"Maksudnya, saya tak boleh hubungi dia lagi ke? Tapi bang, saya ade juga kawan perempuan lain, boleh pula saya hubungi mereka?"
"Dengan dia ni lain. Nta dah pernah ada 'sejarah' dengan dia. Tapi, kalau nanti ditaqdirkan nta satu universiti dengan dia, satu kuliah, lepas tu kena pula buat group discussion, masa tu nta hanya layan dia hanya sebagai group discussion partner."
Tiba-tiba saya terfikir..
"Dia ni nak suruh aku clash malam ni gak ke? Sekarang gak? Takkanlah awal sangat?"
Saya cakap..
"Saya rasa saya belum ade kekuatan la bang. Boleh tak saya tunggu sampai saya ada kekuatan, baru saya tiggalkan benda ni?"
Saya ingat nak lari la. Lalu dia jawab..
"Akh, nta kena ingat. Kekuatan itu tidak boleh ditunggu, tapi ia perlu dibina. Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga kaum itu mengubah keadaannya sendiri. Nta boleh rujuk surah Ar-Ra'du,surah ke-13,ayat 11. Lagipun, nta nak tuggu sampai bila baru nak tinggalkan couple ni..abang-abang fasilitator ni pun ramai yang pernah couple, bila masuk dakwah, mereka tiggalkan."
Alamak...tak boleh lari lagilah nampaknye..saya rasa macam brother ni paksa saya clash masa tu juga.
"Semuanya dah jelas rasanya..Nampaknya saya kena tiggalkanla benda ni gak ye. Macam tak larat rasanya nak tekan button handphone ni. Rasa tak sanggup."
"Kalau tak sanggup mari ana tolong tekankan."
"Eh, tak apalah bang. Biar saya taip sendiri."
Teragak-agak saya nak taip masa tu. Tapi saya gagahkn juga diri..
"Semuanya dah jelas..buat apa aku tangguh-tangguh lagi. Takut nanti hidayah ni Allah tarik, susah pula nak tinggalkan. Kan aku selalu doa supaya dijauhkan dari maksiat..jadi rasanya, inilah masanya.."
Lalu perlahan-lahan saya taip sms tu..
Berat betul nak hantar sms tu kat awk. Saya masih tak mampu nak ucap selamat tiggal. Sebab tu dalam sms tu saya hanya akhirkan dengan ucapan salam. Lepas beberapa ketika..saya tekan juga button [send].
Lepas tu tertera di skrin..
Masa tu saya rasa macam separuh hidup saya dah hilang. Macam tak percaya..saya dah hantar 1 sms, dan clash dengan awak..
"Terima kasih bang.."
"Takpe, dah tanggungjawab.."
Malam tu saya saya tidur dengan linangan air mata..tak sangka..mmg tak disangka..Saya memang tak pernah terfikir untuk clash, tapi itulah yang terbaik untuk kita sbenarnya..
Tiba-tiba saya teringat ayat Allah..surah Al-Baqarah,ayat 216..
Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahal berperang itu adalah sesuatu yang kamu benci. Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
Masa terus berlalu.. Saya terus sibukkan diri dengan kerja-kerja lain. Dalam usaha nak lupekan awk, bukan senang,tapi saya terus cuba. Saya selalu bagi tazkirah, ingatkan orang.
Saya bagi ta'lim di msjid, terangkan pada orang, couple haram, tunjuk segala dalil.. Macam-macam yang berlaku..ada kritikan..ade gk yg stuju..tapi tak kisahlah semua tu..
Tiba-tiba satu pagi ni, dapat sms daripada awak..awak bagi gambar bunga..bawah tu ada ayat..
"Seindah gubahan pertama.."
Saya rasa awak masih tak dapat lupakan saya. Saya pun fikir.."Kena tegaskan rasanya". Lepas tu saya hantarlah sms ni. Dan rasanya itulah yg terakhir..
"Tiada yang lebih indah daripada mendapat keredahaan ilahi..seindah manapun gubahan pertama tu, selagi tak mendapat keredahaanNya, tetap tiada gunanya..
Assalamualaikum..saya tahu, dulu saya cakap, kalau ada jodoh, insya-Allah akan bertemu juga. Tapi saya taknak awak tunggu. Lupakan saya. Biar Allah yang menentukan..Lagi satu,
Jangan cari cinta manusia,
ia penuh dengan penipuan,
dan tak kekal..
Tapi carilah cinta Allah..
tiada penipuan,
tidakkan pernah mengecewakan
itulah cinta abadi..
Cinta yang diredahai..
-Yang Terakhir- "
Saya dah buat keputusan.
Saya pasti apa yang saya buat ni betul.
Saya yakin, Allah akan sediakan yang terbaik untuk saya.
Saya takkan berpatah balik..
Takkan..buat selama-lamanya..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
selagi ada rindu
Selagi Ada Bulan Mentari
Selagi Ada Berkasihani
Selagi Ada Bulan Dan Bintang
Selagi Ada Berkasih Sayang
Selagi Ada Ombak Dan Laut
Selagi Hatiku Terpaut
Selagi Ada Turunnya Hujan
Selagi Ada Rahmat Tuhan
Selagi Ada Langit Dan Bumi
Selagi Cintaku Bersemi
Selagi Ada Waktu
Selagi Ada Rindu
Biar Beribu Batu
Ingin Aku Bertemu
Engkau Disana
Ku Berdoa
Pada Tuhan
Monday, October 5, 2009
suka vs cinta
Cinta juga perlu.
Cinta pada Allah dan Rasulullah, selamatlah kita.
Cinta pada agama, simbol kekuatan teguh pengorbanan.
Cinta ibu ayah, tanda kasih tiada penghujung.
Cinta adik beradik, tanda ikatan berkekalan.
Cinta sahabat, cinta separuh kita.
Cita atau suka, walau berbeza definisinya, walau berlainan perasaannya.
Keduanya anugerah DIA.
Hargailah setiap satunya.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
sahabat sejati
Sahabat sejati akan mengerti ketika kamu berkata,
” Aku lupa ”
Sahabat sejati akan tetap setia menunggu ketika kamu berkata,
”Tunggu sebentar ”
Sahabat sejati hatinya akan tetap tinggal, terikat kepadamu
ketika kamu berkata,
” Tinggalkan aku sendiri ”
Saat kamu berkata untuk meninggalkannya,
Mungkin dia akan pergi meninggalkanmu sesaat,
Memberimu waktu untuk menenangkan dirimu sendiri,
Tetapi pada saat saat itu, hatinya tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu
Dan sewaktu dia jauh darimu, dia akan selalu mendoakanmu dengan air mata
Sunday, September 20, 2009
tergamam ketika membaca kenyataan yang dibuat oleh seorang gadis bertudung berkenaan pendidikan seks.
Katanya; “Ketika usia 14 tahun. Ibu bapa pada zaman ini lebih bersikap terbuka dalam membincangkan hal ini, berbeza dengan zaman dahulu. Namun begitu, saya lebih selesa bercakap mengenainya bersama teman lelaki dan teman rapat. Bagi saya seks tidak semestinya selepas berkahwin. Ia bergantung kepada individu. Mungkin ada yang cuba mencari keserasian dengan pasangan melalui hubungan seks” –Seks tidak semestinya selepas berkhawin???
S*** *** ***, 22.
Idea siapakah ini?
Janganlah disebutkan Islam yang diperlambangkan oleh beliau melalui tudungnya.
Cukup ditanya, Melayu mana yang berfikiran begitu?
Apakah sistem nilai kita sudah berubah hingga ke tahap ini?
Nama dipampang, wajah ditera, bersama kenyataan yang amat memperlekehkan Allah dan syariat-Nya.
Tiada berselindung, tiada juga malu atau segan.
Apa sudah terjadi kepada gadis Melayu ini?
Mungkin ramai lagi di luar sana yang bersifat sepertinya?
....berulang kali membaca kenyataan gadis itu. Takut tersalah faham.
etapi itulah yang dipaparkan.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What was the last thing you did before you went to bed?
Last time you had pizza?
Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
Are you a forgiving person?
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
Do you have plans for this weekend?
Are you happy?
In the last 24 hrs have you done anything you regret?
Has anyone ever spelled your name wrong?
Is the last person you hugged older than you?
kalu ko rasa ko kne tag, sila buat apa yg patot.sekian!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ninja Turtle UiTM
Saturday, August 8, 2009
SAF UiTM 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
R E D A N G.....M U T I A R A
1. Room with air-conditioning and bathroom
2. 2Breakfast--2lunch--2tea--1dinner--1BBQ
3. Free hot and cold drinks - 24 hours
4. Snorkeling (3 trips including 1 trip to the Marine Park)
5. Boat services (two-end flow) - Departure at 9.30AM from Merang Jetty
Additional details:
1. Public holiday and school holiday surcharge - RM 40 per person
2. Children between 4 and 12 years old - 50% price
3. Children under 4 years old - boat charges (two-end flow) RM 40
4. Package rates exclude Marine Park fee which is RM 5 per person
5. Mask and goggles for snorkeling can be rented at RM 10 per set
6. "Mencandat sotong" activity - RM 50 per person (max. of 8 people per boat)
9.30 am - Depart from Merang Jetty to Redang Mutiara Beach Resort.
10.30 am -Check-in and welcome drink
12.45 pm -Lunch
3.30 pm -Snorkeling Trip for 2 hours (Long Beach)
5.30 pm -Hi tea and Jungle Trekking/beachvolleyball/beach soccer/swimming)
8.00 pm -Dinner and indoor activity (mahjong, playing cards, darts, karaoke)
9.45 am -Snorkeling Trip for 2 hours (Marine Park)
12.45 am -Lunch
3.30 pm -Snorkeling Trip for 2 hours (Long Beach)
8.00 pm -Dinner and indoor activity (mahjong, playing cards, darts, karaoke) BBQ
9.00 am -Depart From Redang Mutiara Beach Resort to Merang Jetty
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
s h o p p i n g
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
~mase nok dinner sapa doh; najep kena blanjer sbb nih negeri ye..haha tengkiu ke najep. len kx jangang wak dok ingak SimeDarby kang~semall mette je
~1430 ssapa di KL; lenguh weh naik bah. aku dok reti gane nok naik bas~tren~LRT~bende2 bando ni la. aku nge liza duk mutto dalam pudu kejak, pahtu g tnye pok gak ye gane nok g KL sentral. mutto punye mutto~brenti bandoraya.. napok pulok SOGO; macang bese la wajik g jengok dulu. beli la bj ke ayoh sbb kenang wane ye macang lawo je..
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
H1N1 outbreak shuts down uitm
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
am i obsessed?? ~ NO
The movie opens with a family moving into their new home. The family consists of Derek Charles (Idris Elba), his wife Sharon (Beyonce Knowles) and their baby, Kyle (Nathan and Nicholas Myers). The drive up to their new home and Sharon removes the sold sign and they go inside. While the baby sleeps, Derek and Sharon play a game of hide and seek in the empty rooms; this includes a tour of the attic, which is only beams and insulation. The game ends in their bedroom where the two enjoy a quickie while awaiting the moving van.When the movers arrive, Sharon directs the layout of the furniture and Derek heads into his office.
Arriving at his office, he jumps into a crowded elevator and notices a hot chick (Ali Larter) carrying a stack of files. She remains in the elevator after everyone else gets off. She checks him out when hes not looking and he does the same. He asks if shes a client, she says shes a temp and this surprises him. When she drops all the files, he bends to help her and their hands touch. Derek looks uncomfortable and she smiles.When he gets off on his floor, she does the same. He asks her whom shes there to see and she says Derek Charles. He tells her to watch out because he heard Derek Charles is a real asshole and tells her good luck.She later realizes his little joke and drops the files off with his assistant. Derek is a very successful asset manager with a large firm.As Derek leaves for the day he tells good luck on her next assignment and she says the company is actually keeping her for a few days, but he doesnt hear her, as he never stopped walking. She looks a little sad and turns back to her computer.
The next day Derek arrives at work to find the temp, who introduces herself as Lisa Sheridan sitting at the desk of his assistant, Patrick (Matthew Humphreys). He asks what happened to Patrick and she replies, stomach flu. He says, "Well grab a pen and pad and lets get to work."Lisa sits across from Derek and he rattles of a list of to dos, many of which she has already taken care of. He asks if hes going to fast and she says, "No, I'm waiting for you to catch up".She proves to be very efficient and attracts the attention of most of the men in the office including Dereks best friend Ben (Jerry OConnell) and his boss Joe Gage (Bruce McGill). Both of who comment on Dereks good luck. It seems, his wife was the last hot chick working in the office and Derek snatched her up and married her and now he has the new hot chick working for him.
Over the course of the next few days, Lisa proves to be a creepy but very capable assistant. She even listens in on Derek and Sharons conversations.When Derek and Sharon are talking one night, she asks why he didnt return her call and he says I didnt get the message. He then tells her the new girl got the message wrong and gave him the wrong name, (I think she said Cheryl). His wife asks him where is Patrick and he tells her out sick, she asks, I thought we agreed no female assistants? and tells him to get rid of her. She asks what does Lisa look like and he replies, Plain.Patrick returns and he breathes a sigh of relief that Lisa is gone, but then he sees her at the desk of Marge (Bonnie Perlman) who is Joes assistant. It appears Marge also has the stomach flu. Derek looks like he feels just as sick when he sees her.At home he and Lisa are discussing her future and her desire to go back to school and finish her degree. He would rather Sharon stay home with Kyle, but she reminds him that he promised after the baby was born that she could go back to school.
A few days later, Sharon brings Kyle to the office and is sitting in Dereks office talking when Lisa comes in for a report Joe is requesting. She comes over and introduces herself to Sharon who calls Lisa by the wrong name. She corrects Sharon and begins to coo and fawn over Kyle before heading back to work. Sharon says theres one thing that girl aint and its plain. Derek says he wouldnt know because the only woman he notices is Sharon. She rolls her eyes and they take Kyle around the office. Lisa goes into Dereks office, looks at a photo of his family and opens his CD case and looks at the music inside and notices one labeled Credo.The next day theres a CD on his desk and he inserts it to find its a live recording of the band. Lisa sends him an IM saying she knew he liked the group and its a bootleg copy. He tells her the band rocks and get back to work. She smiles as she watches him bop to the beat.
The next day at work, Derek walks into the break room and finds Lisa in tears. He says hi and makes his way to the refrigerator for his lunch. As he turns to walk out and almost makes it out of the door before turning and asking if shes okay. She tells him she was just dumped and wonders if theres something wrong with her. He tells her that she is a smart and beautiful woman and if he was single He cuts himself off and pats her arm and says everything is going to be okay. As hes leaving Ben walks in and looks at the two of them questioningly.Patrick and Lisa have bonded and he asks her how often did she listen in on Dereks conversations. She laughs and says we need to have cocktails and clue her in on all the office gossip.The office Christmas party approaches and no spouses are allowed. Sharon reminds Derek to remember to eat something before drinking and have fun.At the party Derek dances with Marge for a little while before Lisa cuts in. She maneuvers them to the mistletoe and tells Derek that if he doesnt kiss her the staff will talk more than if he did kiss her. He says well Ill have to take that chance, laughs and walks away heading to the mens room. When he walks into the stall, Lisa suddenly appears and follows him inside. She is all over him, trying to kiss him, pulling his shirt out of his pants as he tries in vain to avoid her. They hear a drunken guy at the urinal whos trying to peek into the stall to see whos inside making out. He keeps shushing Lisa and she keeps trying to get into his pants.
When the guy leaves he forcefully pushes her away as she asks, Whats wrong? He tells her to stop and leaves the mens room. He grabs his jacket and hurriedly leaves the party. As Lisa returns to the party smoothing down her dress, Patrick who saw Derek leave first, makes a catty remark and Lisa says, Oh dance with me you queen. They both laugh as they dance.That night as he slips into bed Sharon asks how was the party and he says the same old same old. She asks, Did anything exciting happen? He says nope and pulls her close as she goes back to sleep.The next day Derek sees Lisa at the office and she acts like nothing happens. He gives her a wide berth the entire day. Later that day she comes into his office and apologizes for her behavior. Derek tells her dont worry about it. She smiles and leaves. Derek later confides to Ben about what happened at the party. Ben jokes that he is so jealous and Derek tells him its not funny. He tells Ben that hes going to HR to get rid of Lisa and Ben tells him to be careful; she may turn it around on him. He goes to see the HR Manager Hank (Rick Ruccolo) and says he needs to talk to him about Lisa. Hank tells him Lisa has resigned. Derek breathes a sigh of relief and tells Hank that he thought she might have been in over her head.That evening in the parking garage, Derek gets into his car to leave.
As he turns to fasten his seatbelt, Lisa jumps into the car wearing a trench coat. He asks her what the hell is she doing and she opens the coat to reveal a sexy bra/panty outfit complete with fish net stockings. She tells him, its okay now that they no longer work together. He tells her to get out of his car. She continues to squirm in the seat and he yells louder to get out of his car. She asks, Why are you being this way? He reaches over her, opens the door and starts to push her out. She screams, you are an a**hole and gets out of the car enraged. He peels away with her standing there.That night he vows to tell Sharon whats going on. He walks into the house and Sharon is sitting at the dining room table holding the phone and a glass of wine. He sees the sad look on her face and asks whats wrong. She says I just spent the last hour and a half talking my sister off the ledge. It seems her husband had confessed to having an affair and is leaving her. Well of course, he doesnt tell her about Lisa. Big Mistake.After a New Years Eve party, Derek and Sharon return home when his email beeps. Derek sees its from Lisa and tries to ignore it. Sharon says it may be word on the big account Derek has been working on and he should open it. When she goes into the bathroom, he opens the email and its a sexy picture of Lisa, which multiplies into countless windows that cover his screen. As he frantically tries to close them all, he tells Sharon its just spam.
At work the next day he emails Lisa, saying simply, leave me alone. She responds with a big happy face that winks at Derek.A few days later, Derek is packing for a work retreat. Its being held at a local hotel and the guys at the office are all looking forward to it. She tells him to behave and dont get too drunk doing all that male bonding.At the retreat, Derek, Joe and Ben and another co-worker are sitting around the pool drinking when they decide to visit a mens club for some adult entertainment. The waitress brings Derek a drink and says its from the woman at the bar. As he turns he can only see a partial view of the woman. Dereks phone rings and he answers telling the guys its Sharon. As he walks away to talk to her, he sees Lisa approaching him. He quickly hangs up, leaving Sharon puzzled. He asks, "What the hell are you doing here." She tells him well of course, Im here to see you. He tells her shes crazy and needs help. She tells him how much fun they can have, and he looks at her as if shes sprouted another head. She tells him to come up to her room and tells him Im in 610. He informs her that he is not coming to her room. She says sweetly, oh should I come to yours? He tells her flat out that nothing is going to happen between them and to get some help. His phone rings and when he turns to answer Lisa slips a powdered substance in the glass. He turns to leave and comes back and grabs the glass saying goodbye for good Lisa. He heads back to the table and says hes in for the club with the rest of the guys.Later that night Ben and Derek are walking down the hall.
Derek is visibly drunk, swaying into the walls and everything. He tells Ben the last drink did him in. He goes into his room as Ben reminds him of their 9:00 meeting. Derek falls across the bed moaning. He turns over to see Lisa hovering over him. Hes incapable of fighting her off as she rubs and massages and kisses him. Derek passes out with Lisa astride him.The next morning he wakes up in obvious hang over hell. He looks at the clock and realizes its already 9:30. He jumps out of bed and makes it to the meeting by 10:15. His boss Joe tells him hes glad he could make it as Derek slinks into his seat muttering about oversleeping. Two hours later, the meeting is still dragging on when the desk clerk interrupts to tell Derek his wife is in the lobby. Derek excuses himself and the man says shes right over there. Of course its Lisa. Now, NOW hes getting angry. She says, "I know youre bored in there so I thought Id rescue you, Wanna go have lunch?"He tells her she really is insane. She starts rambling again about how he wants her, how he told her if he was single theyd be together and on and on. She then threatens to go into the meeting and tell them everything. He grabs her arm and yanks her toward the meeting telling her to do it, tell them the truth I want you to. Of course she hesitates and again asks, "Why are you being this way? " He says I dont want you! She then heads toward the room asking, "Who do you think they would believe?" He tells her in no uncertain terms that there will NEVER be anything between them and she needs to leave him alone. He turns and goes back into the meeting.
Later on Derek enters his room and lo and behold, Lisa is in his bed. He says, Aw hell no and tries to yank her out of the bed. He then notices an empty pill bottle and the fact that shes unconscious. He calls 911. We later see Lisa on a gurney and Derek telling Ben hell explain it all later.That night, the phone awakens Ben. Its Sharon asking where Derek is, as hes not answering his cell and she hasnt heard from him. He tells her that maybe she should talk to Derek at the hospital. Of course she freaks out and heads over to the hospital. As she skids around the corner she sees Derek and runs to hug him. Before he can tell her what has happened, the doctor approaches him and tells him that it was a close call but Lisa will be all right. Sharon says, Lisa, what the hell is going on? Derek tries to calm her down when Detective Reese (Christine Lahti) walks up and asks to talk to Derek. The detective is asking questions and Sharon is asking questions and Derek looks constipated. When the detective asks why Lisa tried to overdose in Dereks bed, Sharon comes unglued. Derek is trying to calm her down and the detective keeps asking one loaded question after another. Derek tries to tell her that Lisa is crazy, but this falls on deaf ears. Lisa even gave Derek as her emergency contact. Sharon has heard enough and walks away with Derek following her. The ride home is tense and Sharon explodes as soon as the sitter leaves. She accuses Derek of sleeping with Lisa, which he of course denies. He tells Sharon about all the things that Lisa did and she asks why in the hell am I just hearing all this? She reminds him about their vow to always tell each other the truth. He says hes so sorry and orders him out of their house. Plates are thrown and tears are shed before he finally leaves.The next day at work Joe advises Derek that what happened at the retreat could open them up to a huge lawsuit and he takes Derek off the big account.Detective Reese visits Lisa in the hospital and questions her about their relationship. Lisa tells her that Derek is going to divorce Sharon and they will be together. She asks is Derek there to see her. Detective Reese tells her that she doesnt think Derek wants to see her; as a matter of fact she knows he doesnt. Lisa asks, well why did he send those flowers? There is a huge bouquet on the table with a card reading, Im so sorry about yesterday, I love you. Derek.Detective Reese looks at the card and Lisa very skeptically. After talking with Lisa, Detective Reese meets with Derek and tells him about the flowers. He tells her he never sent Lisa flowers, she must have taken the credit card info when she worked in his office. She also reveals a journal Lisa kept detailing all the intimate details of their romance, which of course never happened. Derek stresses that Lisa is crazy and hes worried about what she might do. Detective Reese reassures him that he doesnt have to worry as Lisa is now in San Francisco with her sister.The next few scenes are of Derek in his hotel room, playing with his son and Sharon alone at home. We later find out that he has been out of the house for a few months. One day he drops his son off at home and tells Sharon that his birthday is approaching and asks if he can spend it with her. She agrees to go to dinner with him. She tells him she has a gift but will give it to him once she sees how the evening goes. During dinner he begs Sharon to let him return home. He tells her she and Kyle are his world and he wants his family back. She slides the box over to him and its his house key. Apple iTunesBack at the house, the babysitter Samantha is texting and listening to music as the doorbell rings. She opens the door and its Lisa. She waltzes in saying shes a friend of Sharons and she has a present for Kyle and heads upstairs. Samantha tries to stop her when Lisa says, You mean Sharon didnt tell you I was coming? She pulls out her cell phone and has a pretend conversation with Sharon. When she finishes she offers the phone to Samantha and asks if she needs to speak to Sharon, of course she doesnt or the movie would end here. She turns and says Ill only be a second. She heads to the nursery and stands looking down at Kyle. The next scene Lisa is rocking Kyle and kissing his head. We then see Lisa leave without Samantha even noticing.Derek and Sharon arrive home and ask Samantha how did things go. She says fine and your friend stopped by. Friend? What friend? She tells them your friend that called you saying she had a gift for Kyle. They both bolt up the stairs and find the nursery empty. Sharon screams call 911 as they frantically search for Kyle. Derek runs for the car to search for him and sees Kyle in his car seat with a huge lipstick kiss on his forehead.Cut to the hospital and the doctor telling Sharon and Derek that the baby is fine.
Detective Reese offers Derek and Sharon police protection and Derek asks if he should by a gun. Instead he opts for installing a security system.At the office, Patrick gets a surprise call from Lisa who he hasnt heard from in months. He tells her he could get fired for talking to her. She tells him dont worry you wont get fired and asks him hasnt he heard the news. He asks what news? She tells him Derek is divorcing Sharon to be with her. He laughs and says that cant be true because they are planning a big weekend visiting Sharons parents. Motor-mouth spills the beans that Kyle is with Sharons sister, Sharon is driving to her parents and Derek will travel by plane the following day. Lisa abruptly hangs up.Back at the house Sharon is preparing to leave for the weekend. She gets into her car and calls Derek to tell him she is heading out. He asks did she turn on the security system, she remembers that she didnt and heads back to the house. Cut to the house and Lisa breaking in through the back door and entering the house carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses. She goes into their bedroom and takes off her clothes. Wearing Lisas nightshirt, she sprinkles rose petals all over the bed.Downstairs Sharon enters the house and is entering the alarm code when she hears the pop of the champagne bottle up stairs. She slowly climbs the stairs to investigate the noise. When she enters the bedroom Lisa is in their bed. Sharon says, Oh you really are crazy.Lisa tells her that shes sorry that their family is breaking up but she and Derek are in love and are going to be together. Sharon tells her to get out of their house. When Lisa approaches her Sharon grabs her and slings her toward the door. At this moment the phone rings. Both women make a mad dash for the phone and Sharon grabs the receiver. Its Derek making sure she is okay. She tells him that she found Lisa in their house and then simply says, Im going to have to call you back.She then turns and begins to, as she put it, whip Lisas skinny ass. The next few minutes are the best part of the movie with both women opening up a can of grade A whip ass on each other. They kick, slap, head butt and finally tumble their way down a staircase.
While Sharon is stunned Lisa gets up and runs upstairs. Sharon is right on her heels and the women end up in the attic. Armed with a 2 by 4, Lisa proceeds to use Sharons legs as batting practice. Balancing herself on some badass four-inch heels, Sharon backs up along a strip of wood, taunting Lisa to come and get her. Lisa swings and falls onto a weak portion of flooring and falls through. Hanging on for dear life, Lisa dangles from the ceiling and we get a view of the floor below and the huge glass coffee table below. In a Lifetime movie move, Sharon suddenly grabs Lisas hand and tries to pull her up. And in return Lisa tries to pull Sharon with her. Sharon finally finds her cajones and pries Lisas fingers apart and Lisa drops, crashing into the table below. Lying amidst the glass and twisted metal, Lisa slowly opens her eyes and tries to move. But the swinging chandelier gets her attention, weakened by her fall through the ceiling; it is hanging on by a cord. When it stops swinging, it suddenly falls spearing Lisa beneath it.